Camillian Home for Children Living With Disabilities

Camillian Home for Children Living With Disabilities

Camillian Home for Children Living With Disabilities 2008

Camillian Home is a registered non-profit children's charity operating on behalf of the St. Camillus Foundation of Thailand in the area of Lat Krabang, Bangkok. The Home was initiated by Father Giovanni Contarin, an Italian Priest who has done extensive work for the poor in Thailand since 1987 It targets orphaned and abandoned children who are living with disabilities and serious illness.

The Camillian Home is one of the few facilities in Thailand dedicated to caring for these abandoned children in a family atmosphere, and it aims to serve as a model in caring for vulnerable children with special needs. Significant work is also being carried out for disabled people living in the community. Disabled people and their families often face embarrassment, discrimination and misconception from the general public. As part of an integrated approach, our medical and social workers support disabled people living in the communities by providing medical care, adaptive equipment, training and importantly establishing long term personal relationships.

The Home receives very little government support, but instead survives on the generous support and donations from individuals and corporations.

The operations of Camillian Home consists of various activities, such as activities to stimulate development that correspond to children’s age, rehabilitation through physical activities, meditation, self-help training activities for daily routines, activities that promote socializing, physical therapy, art therapy, and other therapeutic activities. These activities benefit the children in terms of development. Over the past years, the Camillian Home operations have seen an increase in patrons. There are more resident children and day care children (children who visit during the day and do not reside at the home)

81/2 Luangphang Road, Khumthong, Latkrabang, Bangkok 10520
Tel. 0-2360-7852 Fax. 0-2360-7853